Today is a special day in Missouri's history. You're living it. And in fact, you can participate in it.
Today is the day of the epic $7 million flush.
That's right! For one day and one day only Missouri is flushing millions of dollars down the drain by holding a meaningless, pointless, and crazy expensive primary that amounts to absolutely nothing.
You thought the government couldn't get any worse, any more wasteful of your tax dollars? Well, today is the day they prove you wrong.
With the limp-wristed stroke of a pen our wonderful Governor Jay Nixon authorized this one-time spectacular display of bureaucratic ineptitude and politics of the left.
So don't miss it!
Participate in this $7 million flush. Get out and vote.
Vote for anyone! Mitt Romney. Herman Cain. Mickey Mouse, or even Mickey's dog. I voted for Tim Tebow. It doesn't matter, that's the beauty of it!
They've stripped the importance, and most importantly: the ramifications, from voting altogether.
So why not?
Get out there and vote before it's too late!
- B.H.