First it was in St. Joseph, now on the opposite side of the state there’s another scandal involving criminal aliens obtaining drivers illegal identifications.
An employee of a privately run Missouri drivers license office in St. Louis County is among four people charged with helping undocumented aliens improperly obtain licenses or state identifications, officials said Tuesday.
An indictment unsealed in federal court Friday in St. Louis does not specify how the worker, Yvette Roberson, 59, of St. Louis County, or others benefited. She was arrested Monday.
The others indicted are Ricardo Ortiz, 31, of Montgomery City; Jorge Fabian Pequeda Perez, 35, of St. Peters; and Elizabeth Cervantes, 27, of St. Peters. Ortiz is also known as Jose Ramos Jr.
Ortiz and Roberson are charged with conspiracy and production of false identifications; Perez with conspiracy and illegal possession of 15 or more access devices; and Cervantes with possession of false identification documents.
This is a serious problem that we continue to ignore.
Estimates put losses for Missouri alone in the billions of dollars per year to illegal aliens.
Extrapolate that out to fifty states, many far worse off than we are, plus losses to the federal government, and you start to see just how much money our country is losing in a given year simply because we stand around and choose to do nothing.
Then there’s the real, individual loss that comes from these cases, such as the helpless American citizens whose identities are stolen by thugs like these in order to facilitate the illegal trade of identities to these criminal aliens, or the victims of car accidents and murders at the hands of people the law should’ve kept out to begin with.
These are the kinds of things that have to be considered, and there are many more of them.
But so long as we stand aside and let the far left run roughshod over the laws meant to protect Americans from the very same illegals they are bending over backward to protect there will always be operations like the ones in St. Joseph and St. Louis catering to the that underbelly of society we have allowed to thrive.
Additionally, how can the liberals continue to vehemently argue against requiring photo IDs to vote by claiming regular citizens will have too difficult a time attaining that ID when we can all plainly see that even illegal aliens can acquire fake IDs with relative ease?
- B.H.
The left knows they have a thin, if existent, argument on most everything. Therefore they make a lot of noise and attempt to denigrate anyone who does not agree with them.
My take on the info in this article is that there are lefties in the government who will do anything for their ideology, including sacrifice their jobs and family's future. Pay the price for your idiocy, those involved in this scam of false ID.
Voter ID is a good thing, needs to make it in this state.
Liberalism is a mental disorder.
Posted by: J. Guidry, Battlefield, MO. | February 09, 2012 at 09:02 AM