Has Claire McCaskill just signed her Senate career’s death warrant?
Quite possibly, as she is introducing a bill in the Senate that would grant Barack Obama the much maligned but nonetheless sought after power of line-item veto.
Can’t you just see the commercials about the Obama/McCaskill BFF relationship and her willingness to do anything to give him more power?
The crafty thing here is the façade McCaskill and the Democrats are shrouding this bill behind:
Sen. Claire McCaskill (D-Mo.) introduced a bill on Thursday to give President Obama line-item veto power — a change she says could help reduce the budget deficit and save taxpayers millions in wasteful spending.
Yeah, she’s actually claiming that this power-grab is in the name of her crusade against earmarks.
In fact, she’s actually named the damn thing “The Reduce Unnecessary Spending Act”.
This bill, had it been introduced during the Bush years (that I secretly long for), would have had the Left so crazy over the centralization of executive branch powers that there might have been actual riots over it. Maybe not widespread riots, but probably in Oakland. (Although would anyone notice?)
Thankfully Obama won’t be able to touch the actual budget, though.
Not because the bill won’t grant him that power, mind you, but because our legislative branch is too busy coming up with meaningless crap (not unlike this) than to do their actual jobs and pass an actual budget… you know, that one thing they’re constitutionally required to do.
What a wonderful world.
- B.H.
Claire has got be replaced in November. She has been pathetic as a Senator and seems to be willing to let the "O" step all over the Constitution. She is obviously his BFF. Come home, Claire. Then pack it up and move to a socialist country you might like it better.
Posted by: J. Guidry, Battlefield, MO. | February 15, 2012 at 11:57 AM