After having ten license office contracts revoked for subcontracting the services of its office managers, Alternative Opportunities has won the Carthage and Farmington license offices. Together the two offices do almost $450,000 in yearly transactions.
It's not much of a consolation compared to losing ten fee offices, but we believe they'll get most if not all of them back in the re-bidding process. After all, its executives donated over $11,000 to Nixon's '08 election bid.
As Chad Livengood reported in December, "Alternative Opportunities is not your average not-for-profit." Its executives have received millions of dollars through a for-profit company they set up to provide management services to Alternative Opportunities.
The company they created is called W.D. Management. They gave it an exclusive, ten-year contract to provide AO with management services and then sold the company to Providence Service Corp. The contract was big: in 2008 AO gave WD Management over 8 million dollars.
For WD Management, Providence Service Corp has given AO execs 17.4 million dollars in compensation. Much of that came from "earn out" provisions based on WD Management's financial performance. Since AO execs were running both AO and WD Management, it's not surprising that they'd meet their targets.
It's not much of a consolation compared to losing ten fee offices, but we believe they'll get most if not all of them back in the re-bidding process. After all, its executives donated over $11,000 to Nixon's '08 election bid.
As Chad Livengood reported in December, "Alternative Opportunities is not your average not-for-profit." Its executives have received millions of dollars through a for-profit company they set up to provide management services to Alternative Opportunities.
The company they created is called W.D. Management. They gave it an exclusive, ten-year contract to provide AO with management services and then sold the company to Providence Service Corp. The contract was big: in 2008 AO gave WD Management over 8 million dollars.
For WD Management, Providence Service Corp has given AO execs 17.4 million dollars in compensation. Much of that came from "earn out" provisions based on WD Management's financial performance. Since AO execs were running both AO and WD Management, it's not surprising that they'd meet their targets.