When Jay Nixon promised to implement a new system, what did you think the results would be? Did you think that 90% of the fee offices that perform over $400,000 in transactions per year (the real money makers) would go to Democrat donors?
Proponents of the system keep asserting that the success of Democrats connected to Nixon is some kind of ‘cosmic coincidence’ and that no foul forces are at play.How credible is that, knowing that 5 of the 15 top fee offices were awarded to a single shadowy group of pro-Nixon donors? That group, led by James Ryan Williams, will now control the St. Joseph, Gladstone, Liberty, North Kansas City and Lee’s Summit offices.
James Ryan’s partner is James Montee, fellow Democrat and former husband of Auditor Susan Montee. Additionally, chatter about Bill Skaggs and Phil Snowden being involved, which our predecessors first reported on, just won’t die down.They tried to hide what they were doing by keeping James Ryan’s name out of several of their bids – but it shows up in the registration forms for the LLCs they created to bid.
There are practical questions about how they’re supposed to run all these offices, which has never received an adequate answer. By the time the Department of Revenue decided to factor in the demands of running other offices into the ‘subjective’ bid evaluations, James Ryan William’s group had made enough bids to create a very profitable network of fee offices.The bidding process is a competition in name only. People who haven’t paid their dues at Nixon’s altar are being handicapped, and the effect is so profound that it’s impossible to ignore. Unless, of course, you’re in the media.
How hard is it to follow the money?