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November 24, 2007


Political Moderate

I concede.
Dumb, again, Kay.


The Queen of TIF has no concept of reality. She was Mayor of Kansas City, MISSOURI.

Turn out the lights, as Dandy Don used to say.... the party is over.


Some may suspect that Granny Barnes is suffering from early stage Alzheimer's. But this KU crap has nothing to do with old age. This is nothing less than "in-your-face" arrogance from Granny. Any politician running for office in Missouri who favors the Jayhawks over the Tigers needs to be dumped big time. I sure hope the voters in the 6th take note and reject this Jayhawker.

Greg Logan

So Kay Barnes was rooting for KU to beat MU in Saturday's football game. A political gaffe of major proportions. I'm sure Kay will say she doesn't follow college football closely and was merely making a casual comment. Horse feathers. Either Kay is ignorant about Missourians, or she really wanted the hated Jayhawks to beat the Tigers. Either way, not the kind of sentiments Missourians want in their reps. Is it really possible Kay doesn't know about the intense MU/KU rivalry? We have too many fools in Congress already. We don't need another.

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